Removing urine scale in toilets and litter trays is not so easy with ordinary cleaning products. We show you the tricks that can be used to remove urine stone without any problems.
Removing urine scale with home remedies
You can get rid of light urine scale with citric acid, vinegar or baking soda. To do this, apply the household remedy to the urine scale and leave the liquid to work for a longer period of time. Use baking soda, add water and create a paste. If that is not enough, Corega tabs will help:
- Put one or two tabs in the toilet and let them dissolve.
- The longer the dissolved tab is allowed to soak, the better the effect – preferably overnight.
- Before you flush next time, you can easily remove the urine scale with the toilet brush.
- tabs for the dishwasher also have a similar effect.
- If the urine scale is found in places above the water level, you can soak toilet or kitchen paper with the dissolved tabs and press against it.
Harder guns for removing urine scale
With heavier deposits, the tabs quickly reach their limits.
- In this case, you can also use special urine scale cleaners, such as Urinex.
- Beware that such cleaning agents are very aggressive and can lead to chemical burns. Therefore, protect your skin and especially your eyes with gloves or protective goggles.
- You should also decalcify regularly, especially if you have hard water. Then the urine scale will not settle so easily in the first place.