A puffy face can have various causes. In some cases, the facial swelling is a symptom of an illness
Puffy face: hormones as a cause
A deficiency or excess of a certain hormone can often lead to a puffy face.
- Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland. The organ produces too little thyroid hormone. One of the many symptoms is a puffy face, the skin is waxy.
- Cushing’s syndrome: Cushing’s syndrome is characterized by a very puffy face. Here, the adrenal glands produce too much of the hormone cortisol.
Other causes of a puffy face
There are other diseases and disorders that cause the face to swell.
- Alcohol: If you have drunk too much alcohol, your face will be swollen the next day. If you have been addicted to alcohol for a long time, this will result in a permanently swollen face. The reason for this is liver damage, which leads to water retention in the face.
- Gestosis: EPH Gestosis, also known as pre-eclampsia, is a pregnancy disorder. It is accompanied by edema and water retention in the face. It also leads to high blood pressure
- Autoimmune hepatitis: This is an autoimmune disease. An incorrect reaction of the immune system leads to inflammation of the liver. In addition to weight gain, a puffy face is a symptom of this type of autoimmune hepatitis.
- Extended sunbathing: Excessive sunbathing for too long, possibly without sunscreen with a high protection factor, can lead to sunburn with a puffy face. The reason: the skin burns. The water in the skin collects and puffs up the skin – it swells.
- Too spicy food: For example, if you eat a chili con carne with chili that has a high Scoville value, the sweat glands produce an excessive amount of water and the face can swell. The tongue too, by the way.
- Allergy: Any allergy can cause a puffy face. The reason for this is that an allergic reaction occurs. This can be caused by a simple skin cream.
- Glutamate: If you are intolerant to glutamate, known as “Chinese restaurant syndrome”, your face may swell up.
- Dairy products: If you lack certain enzymes, lactose digestion may not work properly. This can lead to a swollen face. This is also the case with lactose intolerance.