If you want to find a mosquito in your room so that you can finally stop hearing it buzzing at night and wake up in the morning without mosquito bites, we have put together a few effective tips for you.
Luring mosquitoes: How to find mosquitoes in your room
If a mosquito is plaguing your room, it may take some patience to find it. Mosquitoes can smell the sweat and carbon dioxide of our breath and are attracted to it. If you wait patiently and breathe a lot in the process, the mosquito will find its way to you all by itself.
- This attracts mosquitoes & found:
- Carbon dioxide in breath
- sweat odour
- Chemical attractants such as those found in mosquito bugs.
Peel or kill mosquitoes: Here’s how
We suggest the following for effective mosquito control:
- Lay in wait when it is dark and turn on a lamp. As soon as you spot a mosquito, see where it settles. Then strike quickly and effectively with a tea towel, a fly swatter or even an electric fly swatter.
- You can control the mosquito just as well with pest spray. However, this can be dangerous for small children and pets.
- Also dangerous for children and pets, but otherwise effective is a mosquito plug.
- By the way, you can even drive mosquitoes away with high-frequency music. The journal “Acta Tropica” reportedly found that mosquitoes attack your victim much later when you listen to, for example, “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” by Skrillex!
- Another natural mosquito trap is a carnivorous plant.
Preventing mosquitoes: The most effective methods
Once you have successfully chased away the mosquitoes, it is best to make sure that the next insect plague is not just around the corner.
- The most effective way to prevent mosquitoes and other insects from finding their way into your home is to use fly screens in front of the windows. These can be installed in door and window frames both with and without drilling.
- In addition, certain scents keep mosquitoes away naturally. For example, lavender will repel not only mosquitoes but also spiders and other creatures.
- Other plants and spices also give off a smell that mosquitoes don’t like and prefer to stay away from. These include mint, cinnamon, cloves and eucalyptus.
- Also very effective is to use smouldering sage leaves to repel mosquitoes.