The term smartcard is used in the field of security as well as in TV reception. What a smartcard actually is and how the devices work exactly, we explain in an easy-to-understand way in this article.
Smartcard – what is it?
- A smart card is a plastic card with a computer chip. A smartcard looks like a debit card and serves as a kind of digital ID.
- Smartcards are often used in large companies to confirm identities. When the smart card is inserted into a suitable reader, certain information such as name, age, department and authority can be read.
- This can be used, for example, to open doors, unlock entrances or authorise processes. Smartcards are often additionally protected with a PIN code. This makes the card doubly secure. In the future, this type of authentication could be replaced by the controversial RFID chip implants.
Smarcard for the TV – what is it?
- Smartcards are also used in another area: If you want to receive channels at home via satellite in HD, many providers such as Kabel Deutschland will send you a smartcard.
- This smart card is inserted into the so-called CI+ module. This is a kind of adapter for the smart card. The CI+ module is then connected to the receiver or TV set. Almost all current TV sets have a CI+ input.
- You can receive certain channels through the smart card. Depending on which channel package you have ordered from your provider, the respective content is activated for your smartcard. The Smartcard then decrypts all paid channels.