If you do not have a dialling tone on your telephone, there are several possible causes. You can find out exactly what the cause is with the help of this practical tip.
Telephone: No dialling tone – what could be the cause?
If you don’t have a dial tone on your phone and your internet is not working either, then you should contact your provider.
- We explain how to contact the Telekom, Vodafone or o2. There may be a technical fault.
- If you have an IP connection, one of your devices may also be defective or incompatible. This is because the Internet and telephone connections belong to one line and are not separate from each other. Try disconnecting your devices from the mains and reconnecting them after a few minutes. Maybe your problem is now solved.
- If you do not have a dial tone on your phone, but your Internet is working, there is probably a fault with the telephone line. In this case, contact your telephone provider.
- If your telephone connection is new, you should check again that you have connected your terminals correctly.