RAM or ROM – here is the difference

by Pramith

The terms RAM or ROM are often used in connection with memory. However, there is a big difference between the two terms.

RAM: Explanation of the term

The difference between the two terms is expressed in technology and form of use.

  • The abbreviation RAM stands for Random Access Memory. This is a memory technology with random access to memory cells (as in ROM).
  • You can use this memory technology to perform read and write operations. This is also the crucial difference between RAM and ROM.
  • For the most part, computer manufacturers use this technology in the form of DRAM for the main memory of your PC. This is because this type of memory is faster than a hard disk.
  • Capacitors are used as the storage element. When you turn off your PC, the power supply is interrupted and the capacitors discharge. This means that the data is lost. This is why it is referred to as volatile memory.

ROM: Differences to RAM

  • ROM stands for read only memory. The memory is written to or programmed only once at the beginning, after which you can only read from it. Here, too, you have random access to memory cells.
  • ROM is used in your PC, for example by the BIOS. However, this technology is being replaced by rewritable flash memory in many application areas.
  • Note: Furthermore, images of the ROM memory are used by games to copy them digitally. These are used, for example, for Pokémon ROM hacks.

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