Sims 3 cheats for PC, Mac and consoles such as the Xbox 360 ensure that you either have more Simoleons available or optimize the building mode
Sims 3: Activate cheats for PC, Mac and consoles like the Xbox 360
To use cheats in Sims 3, you must first open the console.
- If you are playing the Windows version of Sims 3, open the Command Console using the following key combination: Hold [CTRL] and [Shift], then press [C].
- On a Mac, use the following combination instead: Hold [Command] and [Shift], then press [C].
- If you are playing the console version of Sims 3, you will need the magic-spitting llama for cheats. This is a furnishing item that you have to generate using a key combination.
- Make sure that your entire household is gathered on the property. Then go to the main menu and press all four shoulder buttons simultaneously.
- A message is displayed, which you should accept. Now switch to purchase mode and under Miscellaneous decorations you will find the magic-spitting llama. Buy it and set it up as you wish
- When you now interact with the llama, you have a variety of cheats at your disposal. You can select these simply by pressing a button, while on the PC and Mac you have to enter them into the console yourself
- Note: There is also a debug mode on the PC and Mac, which you can only use with the TestingCheatsEnabled true command. Once enabled, you can Shift-click on buildings, floors, the mailbox and sims to enable a variety of options such as forcing a visitor or teleporting to a specific location.
Sims 3: Cheat list for all platforms
Sims 3 offers numerous cheats. The following list presents them all:
- The cheat resetSim [first name] [last name] allows you to reset Sims and animals.
- Kaching gives you 1,000 Simoleons directly, while the Motherlode cheat gives your account a whopping 50,000 Simoleons. Use familyfunds [family name] [amount] to set the account of the desired family to the desired value
- MoveObjects on allows you to freely move and place objects, Sims and pets. It is deactivated again with MoveObjects off.
- You can place objects even more precisely and without restrictions with disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlton. This means they do not snap to the grid. It can also be deactivated via off at the end.
- If you want to lower or raise the floor instead, without having to pay attention to objects, use constrainFloorElevation true/false.
- To switch the Sims’ thought and speech bubbles on or off, use hideHeadlineEffects on/off. This also applies to animals. Map symbols, on the other hand, can be hidden or shown with mapTags on/off.
- You can age NPC Sims by one age level if you use the cheat ageUpNPC. To do this, you must select the Sim beforehand.
- The cheat fadeObjects on/off ensures that objects no longer fade when zooming in. DiscoMaptags on/off, on the other hand, ensures that all building symbols flash.
- If you are planning to make structural changes to apartments in the Late Night extension instead, you will need the RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings true/false cheat. With AllowObjectsOnRoofs on/off, on the other hand, you can build on roofs unhindered.
- With AlwaysAllowBuildBuy true/false, on the other hand, it is possible to open the build and buy menu regardless of the situation. You can even access this in a crisis situation such as a fire.
- playSounds on/off switches the in-game sound on or off. You can also display the FPS with fps on/off or remove this information again.
- fullscreen on/off switches to or from fullscreen mode. Press quit to end the entire game.
- The cheat unlockOutfits on/off enables the use of NPC and professional clothing in Create a Sim mode. jokePlease, on the other hand, simply tells a joke.
- Set the game speed with speed and a number from 0 to 4. If you want to play in slow motion, the cheat slowMotionViz with the different levels 0 to 8 is available for you.
- Finally, you can record videos with recordVideo in the sizes small, medium or large and the qualities low, moderate, high and max. For example: recordVideo large max gives you the largest version of the recording