If you want to experiment a bit, make the game easier for yourself or set yourself a challenge, use Victoria 3 cheats. Enter a command into the cheat console and voilà – you get relationships, money and more.
How to activate cheats in Victoria 3
The cheat console in Victoria 3 cannot be accessed by default. You have to activate it in Steam first:
- Open your Steam library. Close Victoria 3 if you currently have the game open
- Right click the entry of the game and go to “Properties”.
- Under “General” you will find the field “Start Options”. Write in the field: -debug_mode
- Now you can close the small window and start Victoria 3.
All Victoria 3 cheats at a glance
Use the ^ key to call up the cheat console. There are also some key commands that are only available in debug mode.
- help – Lists all cheats of Victoria 3.
- debug_mode – Turns debug mode on or off.
- money [number] – Changes the assets of your country account. However, the highest possible amount is capped.
- annex [Country ID] – Find out the country ID by hovering over the appropriate country.
- annex all – Immediately annexes all countries.
- disable_ai [Country ID] – Turns off the AI of the desired country. Hold the mouse over the country for the ID.
- disable_ai all – Turns off any AI.
- fastenact – Enacts all laws immediately.
- fast research – Unlocks all Perks instantly.
- norevolutions – Suppresses revolutions.
- yesmen – All agree with your proposals, both allies and enemies.
- key combination: control + left click – Switch to another country by clicking.
- Key combination: Control + ALT + left click – Annex the destination country immediately.