In the 13 years that the PS2 has been on the market, countless games have been developed, some of which are particularly valuable today
These PS2 games are particularly valuable today
Video game collections have enjoyed great popularity for many years and so it is not surprising that some old PS2 games are also considered particularly valuable in the eyes of many collectors today. While some old Nintendo classics can fetch hundreds of thousands of US dollars, the price range of rare PS2 games is much lower.
- One of the most valuable PS2 games is Rule of Rose. The survival horror game was perceived as mediocre in its time, but nowadays impresses with the rarity factor and is therefore sometimes sold for up to 1900 euros on eBay.
- Also in great demand among collectors is another survival horror called KUON. The game, just like Rule of Rose, was received with mixed feelings by gamers and the press at the time and accordingly sold very poorly. The developers of the game were FROM Software, who later celebrated great success with games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring. KUON is traded on eBay for up to 1300 Euros.
- There’s good money to be made in the Sengoku Anthology these days. The game is a collection of the beat ’em up Sengoku trilogy, which was originally developed and produced for arcades, but later released for home consoles. On eBay the game reaches a little less than 1000 Euro in very good condition.
- For the cult JRPG Xenosaga III, prospective buyers have to dig deep into their pockets these days. Especially the very rare alternative cover of the game case, which comes in 3D optics, is extremely popular among collectors. This rare version of the game now costs up to 400 euros.
How to turn your collection into cash
If you want to turn your own collection into money, there are a few things to consider. For example, the value of the game varies greatly with the condition the game for sale is in.
- Generally, the better the condition of the game, the more money you can ask for it. Equally important is that the game is in full condition. This includes the cover, booklet, game CD and, depending on the game, any bonus content such as posters, stickers or similar that come with the game. Ideally, the game is even still in its original shrink-wrapped packaging.
- To get an idea of the price you can ask, it is worth looking on eBay for auctions of the game that have already been completed. In this case, always click into the auction itself, as the overview does not show whether the auction has been successfully completed or whether the seller has merely ended the offer.
- Sell the games exclusively via the platform itself and do not get involved in a sale via email. Only if you sell the game directly through eBay will you be able to call on the platform’s help if the buyer is a fraudster.
- You should also be suspicious if potential buyers send you prices that are far too high or far too low. Again, base this on previous sales. Depending on the situation, you should also consider whether you should put the game up for auction or buy it now on eBay.