The meaning of RPG is quickly explained. It is an abbreviation from the world of gaming.
RPG: meaning of the abbreviation
RPG and the meaning of the term should be known to you especially if you are into computer games. However, you may encounter the term in the analog world as well.
- RPG is an abbreviation and stands for Role Playing Game. The corresponding German word is Rollenspiel.
- Generally, such role-playing games exist both on the computer or a console and analog.
- Each player takes on the role of a particular character. They develop during the course of the game and have to complete different tasks or quests.
- In every RPG there is a game master or game director. In digital games the computer fulfills this task, analog it is one of the players. The game master leads through the game.
- The term RPG is primarily used for computer role-playing games.
History of RPGs
There were RPGs as early as the 1970s.
- At the same time as Dungeons & Dragons (one of the most famous analog role-playing games), the digital RPG dnd also appeared. In this game, the player’s character must stand against different monsters.
- Because there were few computers with suitable processing power at that time, however, digital RPGs were hardly common.
- Over time, digital RPGs became more popular and accessible to a larger crowd of game players as computers improved.
- Some RPGs from the 20th century became true classics with a large fan base that spawned entire game series. These include Diablo, Baldur’s Gate, The Elder Scrolls, and Fallout.
- In the 21st century, more and more role-playing games came along, including Mass Effect and World of Warcraft. The latter helped MMORPGs achieve their success.