The sports RPG does not have a multiplayer mode for Ring Fit Adventure. However, it is possible to play together with friends or family in a roundabout way. We’ll show you how it works.
Ring Fit Adventure: How the multiplayer works
Ring Fit Adventure does not have a classic multiplayer mode. The game is designed for single players, as it is a sports programme with automatically saved progress. If two people were to play together via an account, this would mess up the progress. Nevertheless, sweating can be done together with the game.
- Try the exercises purely for pleasure, play relaxed over an account. In this case, take turns in between, as Ring Fit Adventure only supports one Ring-Con. Only a Nintendo Switch is required for this method.
- However, if you want to compete against each other and save progress separately, there is another option. On the Nintendo Switch, 8 users can be created. Switch between the accounts to play together.
- The disadvantage: exercising at the same time is not possible. If you want to sweat at the same time, each player needs a console and a copy of the game.
The ranking list for ambitious players
Rankings have been added to the game with version 1.1.0. With these lists you can check how well you are doing compared to other players. You can use the ranking list as a kind of multiplayer mode.
- For example, the rankings are divided into individual exercises such as squats, the distance covered or the total time of the workout completed so far.
The leaderboard allows you to compare your progress with the performance of your friends or all Ring Fit Adventure users in the world. Your position in the comparison is displayed.
- The world ranking is updated weekly and compares mainly people of one age. This means that you are compared with people of your year of birth.
- The weekly ranking also shows you how many positions you have gained or lost.