If you want to unlock the Engineer in Remnant 2, you have to travel to N’Erud and search for a specific item there
Unlock the Engineer in Remnant 2: In Search of the Alien Device
The Engineer archetype in Remnant 2 allows you to set up guns and deploy them. To unlock the class, you must make a detour to N’Erud.
- More specifically, you must travel to either the Timeless Horizon or the Vault of Aeons. These areas are the only ones in the game that provide you with the archetype item.
- Now you must go directly to the edge of the map after you spawn in the area. Move along the edge without running directly into the fog, as it causes permanent damage.
- At some point, you will come to a point where the map expands into the fog. There you will find a passage with pointed rocks that leads you into the fog
- Now you have to be quick. You recognize a chasm that you have to jump over. There you will find the corpse of a technician whose armor you can take with you.
- Turn left and jump down. An object will light up there: the alien device. Pick it up and wait for the fog to finish you off.
- You will return to the checkpoint. Don’t worry, the alien device is in your inventory. If you die in the fog before you loot the device, you will have to set off again in the usual Remnant 2 manner
- Take the alien device to the mystic Wallace. You will find him in Station 13. Give him the device along with 1,000 pieces of scrap metal and ten lumenite crystals to unlock the engineer.