The safe in the Losomn Insane Asylum in Remnant 2 requires a four-digit code to open it and access the loot
Remnant 2: Find the code for the asylum safe
Remnant 2 doesn’t make it easy for you to get the code for the safe in the insane asylum.
- To do this, you must bring three stone statues to the locked-up specialist in the basement of the asylum. You will find these in the building and in the courtyard. She will then sing a song with the following lyrics:
- “Two shiny copper teeth from nine sorted combs, and seven yellowed leaves from a forgotten old book.” In this text you will find the four numbers for the code in the correct order:
- It is 2971. Go to the safe and enter the number combination. It will then open.
- In the safe you will find a powerful shotgun called the double-barrel shotgun. It uses two shotgun shells and you have to reload it immediately afterwards, but it deals 110 points of damage to targets in the immediate vicinity. In Remnant 2, it is also the starting weapon of the Alchemist class.