To be able to enter promo codes in RAID Shadow Legends, first search for currently valid codes on the Internet. However, some of the codes are only valid for new registrations.
Official RAID Shadow Legends Promo Codes to enter directly from Plarium
Developer Plarium is constantly posting new promo codes for RAID Shadow Legends on their social channels. Here’s how to enter them in the game:
- There is a collapsed window on the left side of your bastion. Open it.
- Navigate to the Promo Codes tab.
- It is best to copy the code with [Ctrl] + [C] and paste the valid promo code with [Ctrl] + [V]. This will help you avoid typing errors when copying the code.
- After clicking [Confirm], the RAID Shadow Legends code will be activated, you will receive your credit.
List of current RAID Shadow Legends promo codes
Each code can only be activated once in the game. If there are spelling errors, you can try the same promo code up to five times per hour. After that, the entry will be blocked. Until the block is lifted, try another code from the list:
- PCRAID2022 can be used as a newly registered RAID Shadow Legends player. The promo code can be redeemed up to three days after the new registration.
- With the entry of ESLPRO, newly registered players will receive 3 books and 3 potions for free.
- Use promo code FBPCOFFER2 to get bonus energy, more silver and free potions.
- Copy realhell in the promo code box and get a boost of 500 energy, plus two epic books, 1 million silver credited, plus 50 autobattles.
- A detailed game guide for RAID Shadow Legends is available in English for the Kindle eBook Reader.