Pokémon Moon Black 2 is a fan sequel to the Moon Edition combined with Black 2. The focus is on the new story and higher difficulty.
Pokémon Moon Black 2: Back to Unova
With Pokémon Moon Black 2, Creator JrFort combines the storylines of the Moon and Black 2 editions. After defeating the League Champion in Alola, Professor Kukui sends you to Unova to test your skills in a new region.
- The fan game is a hack of the Black 2 Edition and combines it with sprites and designs from Pokémon Moon. In Unova, you will face your rival and thwart Team Skull’s new machinations.
- You can encounter Pokémon from the regions of Unova, Kalos, Alola and Galar, many of which are capable of Mega evolutions. There are also several starter Pokémon to choose from at the start of your journey.
- In addition to the Mega evolutions, the ROM hack also includes various Unova and Alola forms on you. The Fairy type has been added and the movesets and abilities of the Pokémon have been adjusted.
- For balancing, the difficulty level has been increased, making the new trainers, arena ladders and champions a real challenge. You can prove yourself at the end of the game with your favourite team in the Pokémon World Tournament with trainers from all regions.
Pokémon Moon Black 2: More Features
Pokémon Moon Black 2 has even more features, using the graphics offered by the Nintendo DS versions.
- You can choose between a male and female main character. Depending on your gender, you will receive a Fiaro (w) or Chevrumm (m) as your means of transport within the world.
- There are many new items and events that directly affect the story and available Pokémon. For example, there is an event that gives you the opportunity to catch Johto starters in different cities.
- Mega evolutions can also be used outside of battle. The stones needed for this can be found in the world.
Download Pokémon Moon Black 2
If you are interested in Pokemon Moon Black 2, we are sorry to disappoint you. Due to copyright reasons, we are unable to provide you with a source to download the ROM hack.
- It is not an official game from the Pokémon franchise and is not legal for this reason.
- Alternatively, you can purchase and play Pokémon Black 2 or the Moon Edition. These are the games that inspired Moon Black 2.