Pokemon Go: How to get and use Pokeballs

by Pramith

You can’t progress in the smartphone game Pokemon GO without Pokeballs. You need them to catch Pokemon that you can later battle with

Pokemon GO: These four Pokeballs are available

In other Pokemon editions, there were sometimes over ten different types of Pokeballs. In Pokemon GO, however, Nintendo has once again limited itself to the four basic Pokeballs that already existed in the first versions of the game. The Pokeballs differ mainly in the catch rate and the time at which you can use them:

  • Pokeball: You receive the normal, red and white Pokeballs at the start of the game. The catch rate is not bad at the beginning, but as soon as the wild Pokemon become stronger, you hardly stand a chance with them.
  • Superball: The second stage of Pokeballs are the blue Superballs. You unlock these at trainer level 12. The Superballs are much more effective than Pokeballs. You should therefore use them primarily with stronger Pokemon that have an orange or red circle and a lot of competition points when caught
  • Hyperball: You can use the hyperballs from level 20. The catch rate is best here. This means that you are most likely to catch strong Pokemon with these balls.
  • Master Ball: The last type of Pokeball has a 100% chance of being caught and should be used primarily with rare Pokemon that have a high escape rate. However, you will only receive the Master Ball as a reward after a special research that starts at irregular intervals.


Pokemon GO: Here you can find Pokeballs

Once you have reached the appropriate trainer level, you can obtain all Pokeballs in various ways.

  • Visit PokeStops: You will see blue holograms in the shape of a Pokeball everywhere on the map. If you walk to this position, you will find a Pokestop there. Here you can get free items such as Pokeballs, Superballs or Hyperballs.
  • Visit arenas: You can also obtain items in arenas by spinning the photo disk. To do this, select an arena and tap on the round icon at the bottom right. You will then be taken to the rotating top of the arena, where you will receive items every 5 minutes.
  • Level up your trainer: Each time you level up your trainer, you will receive various items, including Pokeballs. The same applies to completed goals and challenges.
  • Microtransactions: Finally, you can also buy Pokeballs with real money. The prices vary from a few cents to around 10 euros.
  • Gifts:In your friends list you will find gifts, of which you can open up to 20 a day. These can also contain Pokeballs, stickers, potions, berries and stardust. To be able to receive gifts from friends, however, you must have reached the second friendship level
  • Complete research tasks: Field research is waiting for you at the PokeStops. If you solve the corresponding tasks, a Pokeball may pop out as a reward.
  • Ingame store: In the app’s store, you can also find free boxes filled with various items, including Pokeballs, every day.

How to use pokeballs in Pokemon GO

The best Pokeballs are useless if you don’t use them. So here are some tips on how to catch lots of Pokemon with the balls you collect.

  • As soon as a Pokemon appears on the map, tap it to switch to capture mode.
  • You have automatically equipped a Pokeball. You can switch to another ball at any time using the bag icon in the bottom corner.
  • Swipe upwards on the display to throw the Pokeball. Once you have hit the Pokemon, all you need is a bit of luck.
  • If it jumps out of the Pokeball again, repeat the process until you have finally caught the Pokemon.

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