Workshops in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord are important for boosting the productivity of your empire and thus filling the treasury
Mount and Blade 2: Workshops are resource-dependent
In the strategy game Mount and Blade 2, you use workshops to supply your empire with gold.
- Mount and Blade 2 offers you the option of buying up workshops in every settlement or setting them up yourself. To do this, simply go with your character to the desired settlement and look for a store.
- Talk to the owner and pay a fee of 13,000 to 15,000 denarii. The workshop is now yours and you can decide for yourself what you make
- Workshops use resources such as wheat, silver or olives to manufacture products. You can sell these or use them within the empire. Each workshop can only process one resource
- After purchasing, you determine what type of workshop you want to use. If you want to change the type, you will have to pay an additional 2,000 denars.
- It is advisable to select the workshop type to suit the resources of the region. For example, if you have many villages that grow grapes, a wine press is a good choice for wine production. If you have a lot of hardwood, use a wood workshop instead
- Using the settlement view, you can see which raw materials are available in the region. You can use this to select the workshop type
- Tip: Many workshops also support your armies by producing weapons and armor. This means you don’t have to spend as much yourself to provide enough equipment.
Mount and Blade 2: More tips on workshops
As in other strategy games, the effectiveness of workshops in Mount and Blade 2 depends on numerous factors. There are a few points you should bear in mind:
- Ideally, you should set up workshops in settlements and towns that are far away from potential battlefields. Many border settlements, for example, can be captured more quickly by an enemy, making the workshop useless for you.
- In addition, settlements in safe regions have a higher prosperity. You can sell the goods produced there at higher prices. For this reason, it is much more worthwhile to set up workshops for luxury goods there.
- Breweries, for example, are much better suited to the border regions of your empire. Most settlements already have a brewery at the start, which makes for significantly higher competition on the market and therefore lower income opportunities.
- You should use caravans, especially later in the game, to supply workshops in cities with high prosperity with the resources they need. You don’t always have to rely on the region’s natural resources. For luxury goods, it pays to trade extensively
- Attention: Never use several workshops of the same type in one settlement. This leads to competition, which in turn can greatly reduce profits.