In Monster Hunter Rise you can play many weapons, but especially with a hammer build you can deal a lot of damage
How to play good hammer builds as Low Rank in Monster Hunter Rise
In order to successfully defend yourself against the beasts that cross your path in Monster Hunter Rise, you need weapons with decent damage. Hammers are ideal for this, even if they are usually clunky and slow. You can play a hammer build in Monster Hunter Rise in both Low Rank and High Rank if you know what equipment you need.
- The Five-pronged Hammer I is a very good starting weapon for hammer builds. You can use it to perform whirlwind attacks particularly effectively. It is best to wear the Izuchi helmet, Izuchi chain armor, alloy forearm bracers, Izuchi chest and cast leg bracers
- Also very effective in the early game is the Dark Hammer I. This has good basic damage, which is further boosted by explosion damage. It is forged from various Magnamalo parts and is reminiscent of old armor in appearance.
- The Hidden Crusher I is also very strong. The 40 percent higher affinity in particular makes it a very strong weapon, as higher affinity means that you hit significantly more critical hits with increased damage. It is best to combine the Dark Hammer I and the Hidden Crusher I with the Anjanath Helm, Nargacuga Chain Armor, Anjanath Bracers, Khezu Chest and the Aelucanth Crura as a talisman.
- The strongest hammer for beginners, however, is the Champions Hammer. Combine it with the Anjanath helmet, the Blackgut chain armor, the Anjanath bracers, the Khezu chest and the Blackbelt greaves.
- Great Jagras, Anjanath and Rathian are the monsters that are best fought with a hammer. After all, these are monsters that don’t move much and quickly.
How to fight with a hammer in High Rank
Even if you have played your way to High Rank, hammers are still very effective weapons, at least with the right equipment.
- In the lower High Rank levels, the hammer Eternal Night is a good choice. It consists of Nargacuga parts, has a solid base damage and also deals poison damage.
- The best combination for the Hammer Eternal Night is the Zinogre Helmet S, the Vaik Armor S, the Anjanath Bracers, the Anjanath Hip Ring, the Golden Hakama for the legs and as a talisman you use a Weakness Advantage Level 2.
- If you have now reached Hunter Rank 100 thanks to the help of your weapons, it is best to use the Tigrex hammer, which is made of Tigrex material. Although this weapon has an affinity of -20%, it deals immense explosive damage
- It is best to wear the Emperor’s Crown, Vaik Armor S, Valstrax Bracers, Anjanath Hip Ring S, Cast Leg Bracers and a Weakness Advantage Level 1 talisman with the Tigrex Hammer.