Minecraft: Find armadillos and get horn shields

by Johannes

Armadillos in Minecraft provide you with horned shields, which you can use to make wolf armor. The sociable animals can be found in savannahs

Find armadillos in Minecraft: Off to the savannah

If you’re looking for armadillos in Minecraft, you’ll need to visit certain biomes.

  • These are primarily the savannah and its variants: Savannah Plateau and Ragged Savannah. These biomes can be recognized by their dryness and acacia trees
  • Alternatively, you may encounter armadillos in the table mountains. These are found quite frequently near savannahs.
  • Armadillos are always found in small groups. Approach the animals slowly or sneak up on them, as they will curl up when in danger.
  • You can breed armadillos like other animals in Minecraft. To do this, you need two specimens and feed them spider eyes. They will then reproduce

Minecraft: Obtain horn shields from armadillos

Armadillos in Minecraft are the only source of armadillo horn shields from which you can craft wolf armor.

  • You must not kill the animals. Armadillos do not drop the horned shields after they die
  • They drop them regularly. This means you just have to be patient a little to get the resource. On average, the waiting time is five to ten minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can use a brush. Craft this from a feather, a stick and a copper ingot. Apply the brush to the armadillo to immediately obtain a horn shield.
  • One brush is suitable for four to five applications as long as it is not enchanted. You can also use the brush over a caster.

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