Building and filling a Minecraft bucket is easy and effective. All you need is a workbench and some iron
Minecraft: How to build a bucket
Minecraft doesn’t require much for a bucket. You make the utensil from three iron ingots.
- Iron ingots can either be melted from iron ore in the furnace or you can combine nine lumps of iron in your inventory. Alternatively, you can find iron ingots in treasure chests or obtain them after the death of iron golems.
- Go to a workbench and place an ingot in the middle row on the left and right. Place the last iron ingot in the bottom row in the middle. You will then receive an empty bucket.
- Note: It is also possible to find buckets in villages. Look in the chests. They are less common in forest estates or dungeons.
Minecraft: Filling buckets made easy
The bucket is used to transport or store various liquids and items such as water, lava, milk, fish or sponges.
- To pick up water, equip the bucket and right-click on a water block. Flowing water cannot be picked up with the bucket..
- Lava and powder snow can also be picked up by right-clicking. However, as with water, you can only pick up standing blocks.
- To fill the bucket with milk, equip it and right-click on a cow, goat or moshroom. You can then use the milk like a consumption item
- Add fish, axolotl and tadpoles to a bucket filled with water by interacting with the animals. You will then see the mob emerge from the bucket
- Tip: If you are diving, you can create an air bubble with the bucket by filling the empty bucket with water.