Spiders in Lethal Company send shivers down the spines of many crew members. You can avoid the many-legged monsters quite easily
Lethal Company: Spider in detail
There are many monsters in Lethal Company, including the bunker spiders. The huge spiders with far too many legs and a pale color can spawn on any moon.
- The spider is a monster that lies in wait for crew members. The monster chooses a specific area within the complex as its hunting ground and nest. There it spins numerous webs that are difficult to overcome
- Only one spider spawns per moon. The area it chooses always changes and can even start directly behind the main entrance.
- Their webs serve to slow down crew members and draw the bunker spider’s attention to them. As soon as a crew member touches the spider’s web, the hunt begins and it does not let go of its potential victim.
- Spiders often lurk on ceilings, above doors and in small side passages. For this reason, it is helpful to check the corridors carefully as soon as you discover cobwebs
- They do not attack when crew members look directly at them. It is only important not to attack the Spider, otherwise it will become more aggressive. They are displayed on the radar as a medium-sized dot
- Tip: For players with arachnophobia, there is a game setting that replaces the spiders with the word spider.
Lethal Company: Fighting Spider
Compared to other monsters in Lethal Company, you can easily fight Spiders or avoid them completely. The many-legged creatures do not go on the hunt as long as crew members do not attack them or touch the spider web.
- Even when bunker spiders patrol the complex, they do not actually attack. Crew members can simply look directly at them and walk backwards to escape the spider.
- You are not fast. This means you don’t have to run and can ask other crew members for help. About five hits with the stop sign or the shovel are enough to kill the spider.
- If a crew member is still caught, they die with just a few attacks, are spun up by the spider and hung from the ceiling. Use the teleporter to retrieve the body, as this cannot be done by hand.
- Spiders also react sensitively to Stun Grenades and Zap Guns. This allows you to temporarily paralyze the monster in order to escape. Avoid using the double-barrel shotgun instead, as it usually misses