In LEGO Fortnite, you can build cars and use them to explore the world. However, steering them is a little difficult
Build cars in LEGO Fortnite: Procedure
LEGO Fortnite offers you enough tools to create your own vehicles.
- To build a car, open the Build menu and search for the toys. This submenu offers the necessary building blocks for a car.
- Select the dynamic foundation and place it on the floor. Choose a surface that is as level as possible, otherwise your car may roll away.
- For a simple vehicle, all you need to do is fit tires. These are available in various sizes. Four tires are completely sufficient for this.
- Of course, you can also use other Lego bricks to customize the vehicle as you wish. Here you can let your creativity run wild.
- You can attach additional nozzles to make the vehicle faster. Depending on the amount of jets, the car will even fly.
Drive cars in LEGO Fortnite
This rudimentary form of a car can’t really be steered in LEGO Fortnite yet.
- Steering is generally a problem in the game. The developers are relying on the real feeling of building with LEGO and have dispensed with proper steering
- Vehicles in LEGO Fortnite are influenced by gravity and thrust. If you don’t use thrusters, you can just roll the car down a hill or push it yourself.
- If you install nozzles, you must also install the activation switch. As soon as you press this, you activate the nozzles and the vehicle moves.
- Direct control is also not possible. The car always moves in the direction of the boost of the nozzles.