The right items for Lissandra in League of Legends can mean the difference between winning and losing. Focus on the core items first.
League of Legends: Core items for Lissandra
Lissandra, the Ice Witch, is a versatile mage in League of Legends. Her abilities allow her to control enemies, deal area damage, and dominate team fights. To maximize her potential, choosing the right items is crucial.
- Liandry’s Torment: Liandry’s Torment is an excellent item for Lissandra, especially when playing against opponents with high Health Regeneration or Tank-related stats. The passive effect “Torment” deals additional magic damage over time and synergizes well with Lissandra’s area-of-effect damage abilities such as Ice Shard and Ice Grave.
- The benefits of this item are the amplification of the damage over time and the increase in your magic penetration. This item is therefore particularly useful for constantly harassing tanks and resilient opponents.
- Zhonyas Hourglass: Zhonyas Hourglass is a must for Lissandra. Its active effect allows you to make yourself invulnerable for 2.5 seconds. This fits perfectly with her playstyle, as she often goes into close combat to control opponents with Ice Grave.
- It offers an excellent mix of magic power, armor, and a life-saving active effect. Activate Zhonyas after using your ultimate ability to ensure that opponents don’t have a chance to eliminate you.
- Shadowflame: Shadowflame is ideal for increasing magic penetration against opponents who have shields or magic resistance. This item significantly increases your burst damage, which suits Lissandra’s playstyle.
- The advantage lies mainly in direct counterplay against protection-focused champions. If the opponents have a lot of shields or magic resistance items like Guardian Angel, buy Shadowflame.
- Eternal Frost: This item is especially useful when you want to slow and control opponents. It provides magic power, mana regeneration, and a way to control opponents. Use the Eternal Frost item to facilitate initiations or to slow opponents before using Ice Grave.
Situational items for Lissandra
Once you have the core items to ensure your base health and performance, it’s time to customize your loadout to fit the specific needs of the game. In League of Legends, situational items allow you to react to the opposing team composition and playstyle.
- Rabadon’s Death Hood: If you have a good position and enough gold, Rabadon’s Death Hood is a strong damage booster. It massively increases your magic power and allows you to eliminate opponents faster. Buy this item in the late game if you want to emphasize your role as the main source of damage.
- Morellonomicon: This item is useful when playing against champions with high healing capabilities, such as Vladimir or Soraka. The Wound Healing Reduction effect helps minimize enemy healing. Prioritize this item against opponents who benefit greatly from healing or health steal.
- Cosmic Boost: Cosmic Boost is a good choice if you need extra mobility and spell haste. This item allows you to react faster and use your abilities more often. It is ideal if you are in a roaming mage role.