You can increase the RAM for Minecraft directly via the game’s launcher. All you have to do is adjust the JVM arguments
Increase Minecraft RAM: Customize JVM arguments
Since Minecraft version 1.8, you can set the allocated RAM in the game launcher from Mojang.
- Open Minecraft via the launcher. Then switch to the installations that you see at the top of the list of available tabs
- Within the installation, navigate to the version for which you want to increase the available RAM. Click on the icon with the three dots to open the settings for the version
- Use Edit to access the More options. Here you can customize your installation.
- You will find the option JVM Arguments. There should already be something in this line. Only change the -Xmx part. After this you can customize the size of the Minecraft RAM.
- As a rule, Minecraft sets an amount of two gigabytes as RAM, recognizable by -Xmx2G. Change the number 2 to another number, for example -Xmx8G, if you want to assign eight gigabytes to the classic block game. Save the change and start the game.
- It is recommended that you do not allocate more than half of your system’s available memory to Minecraft. You also need a 64-bit system for memory allocations of four gigabytes or more.
- Tip: If you have problems with the adjustment, you can also change the value via the Java Control Panel on your PC. There, for example, add -Xmx8G -Xmx8G to the runtime parameters.