To change the language in Hogwarts Legacy, you have to proceed differently depending on the platform you are using. We will help you with this.
Change language in Hogwarts Legacy for all platforms
Hogwarts Legacy supports multiple languages that you can change depending on the platform you are using. Close the game before changing the language.
- If you are playing Hogwarts Legacy via Steam, right-click on the game in the Steam library. In the drop-down menu, navigate to the Properties option.
- In the properties select Language and there you will find the supported languages. Search for the one you want and confirm. Steam will now update Hogwarts Legacy to accommodate the change.
- If you have the Epic Games version instead, you will need to change the language of the entire launcher. To do this, click on your profile picture in the launcher.
- There you will find the settings. Within this menu you can select and confirm your preferred language. Now you have to restart the launcher for the changes to take effect.
- As an Xbox player, select the Settings menu on the Home Screen and select System Settings. Within the system settings, navigate to the Language and Region tab.
- Choose the language you want to use and restart your Xbox. Now you need to start Hogwarts Legacy to download and install the appropriate language pack. Done!
- On the PS5, you can also adjust the language for Hogwarts Legacy in the Language and Region menu in the System Preferences. Then go to your PS game library and select Hogwarts Legacy.
- Press the Option key on the gamepad and select Manage Game Content. You will now see the available language packs that you can download and install for Hogwarts Legacy. After downloading and installing, you can start the game.
- If you are playing the Nintendo Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy, you will need to change the console language. This can be done via the Console tab in the system settings.
- Select Language there to adjust the console accordingly. It is not necessary to restart the switch.