To catch thestrals in Hogwarts Legacy, you need to be well prepared. The magical creatures are very shy.
To catch Thestrals in Hogwarts Legacy: Prerequisites
Thestrals are arguably the scariest of the animal creatures in Hogwarts Legacy that you can catch and care for.
- To catch Thestrals, you will need the Dark Arts Pack. The DLC is available for all platforms and allows you to use Thestrals in the game.
- Further, you must have completed the quest All the Way Up (Level 17). It allows you to use mounts.
- In addition to your grab bag, you will need a set of spells that you place on the four buttons along with the item. Since thestrals can fly and are quickly startled, the spell combination is designed for immobility of the bony flying horses.
- The disillusionment spell is particularly important. This is used to sneak up on the thestrals unnoticed so as not to startle them. You do not use this spell on the quick attack.
- Along with the grab bag, place Accio, Levioso and an immobility spell on your quick access keys. You have the choice between Glacius and Arresto Momentum.
Hogwarts Legacy: Track down and capture Thestrals
In Hogwarts Legacy, you will always find thestrals in herds. With your spells in tow, off you go.
- Two herds of thestrals can be found in magical Scotland. One stays near the rivers to the north of North Ford Bog. The other lives on the easternmost edge of the Maruweem Lake region.
- Having tracked down the Thestrals, occupy yourself with your disillusionment spell and creep up slowly.
- As soon as you are close to a thestral, cast either Arresto Momentum or Glacius. This will prevent the creature from escaping. Pull out the grab bag and quickly press the buttons for the catch mechanism.
- Having startled the Thestral, use either Accio or Levioso to hold it in place. You can then cast an immobility spell again and use the snapsack.
- If the thestrals have fled, simply try again later. Alternatively, look for the other herd.