You have to find an end portal in Minecraft to reach The End. A certain item will help you to do this.
Find the end portal in Minecraft
If you are playing in Survival mode, you will not be able to build end portals in Minecraft.
- You must look for fortresses in the overworld, as end portals only spawn in them. Nether forts do not count.
- Depending on the Minecraft version used, forts spawn randomly (Bedrock version) or in rings from the world centre (Java edition). Exact coordinates are not available and change with each world.
- In order to find a fortress, you need Enderaugen. You can craft these yourself from one unit of tan dust and one ender pearl.
- Then choose an elevated point in the world and cast the Ender Eye. The Endereye will now position itself in the air towards a fortress.
- Follow the direction given by the end eye. Collect the Enderauge beforehand, as you can use it again and again.
- If the Enderauge suddenly points to the ground, there is a fortress directly below them. Now you have to dig down until you come to the fortress.
- Once you have reached the fortress, you must find the end portal without the help of the end eye. It is always located in a room with a lava pool and a silverfish spawn. It can be recognised by the twelve end portal frames.
Enable end portal in Minecraft
End portals in Minecraft are usually not permanently active. You must therefore activate them first.
- Check the number of empty end portal frames in the end portal. You need one end eye for each empty frame.
- Fill the frames with the end eyes. When all the frames are filled, the end portal is automatically activated. This can be recognised by the dark mass inside the portal, as well as the characteristic sound.
- The chance of finding an almost completely filled end portal is about ten percent. They are usually filled with up to three end-eyes. On average, you need about ten end eyes to activate the portal.