Secreto is one of the hunting targets you can find in Rosario in Final Fantasy 16. To do so, you must find the horned man in Grünbünden
Final Fantasy 16: Secreto the Minotaur
Armed with a big club, the Minotaur Secreto (level 31) awaits unprepared travelers in Final Fantasy 16.
- Secreto can be recognized by his massive stature, his horns and, of course, his weapon. You can hunt him down after you have started the main quest After the Storm
- He is north of Martha’s Rest. Travel there and grab your Chocobo.
- Ride north from Martha’s Rest to the Grünbünden area. You will reach this after the bridge.
- Ride into the north-western part of the area. You can already spot him from a distance as he is close to the water. Defeat it to complete this B-rank hunt and obtain the Minotaur Mane