Orichalcum in Final Fantasy 16 is needed for powerful weapons and equipment. Six of them are available in the game
Final Fantasy 16: How to get Orichalcum
Orichalcum is one of the rarest resources in Final Fantasy 16. You can obtain the metal via side missions and hunting objectives:
- These quests include the side mission Eternal Duty 2, which you unlock from the main mission Back to the Source, which is one of the final ones in the game.
- A New Yoke 2 is the other side mission that rewards you with Orichalcum. It is unlocked at the same point. Both reward you with a piece of the resource.
- Four infamous dangers are available via the hunting board, which reward you with a unit of Orichalcum. In Cressida in the east of Rosaria you will find Atlas, one of the hunting objectives.
- The Gochimära is also one of the hunting destinations. It awaits you on a plateau in the south-west of the Velkroy Desert.
- Svarog, the giant dragon, is another objective that rewards you with Orichalcum. You will find Svarog in the south of Sanbrèque at the end of Mornebrume.
- Finally, you can take on the massive Behemoth. You will find the monster west of Vidargraes in Waluth.
Final Fantasy 16: Use Orichalcum
Orichalcum is used as a resource for weapons and equipment in Final Fantasy 16.
- You need three pieces of the material for the sword Twilight of the Gods. You can then craft it at Blackthorn and defeat even the strongest opponents
- You will also need a piece of Orichalcum for the Ouroboros Belt and the Sons of Ouroboros (bracelets). You can also make these at Blackthorn.
- Even if you craft all the items, you will still have a piece of Orichalcum left over. You can simply sell this to replenish your coffers.