If F1 22 will feature crossplay is no longer written in the stars. Although the option to race Formula 1 across platforms is not yet available, according to the developers it should come soon.
F1 22 Crossplay: cross-platform, cross-gen and couch co-op
Competitive racing between friends is one of the most fun game modes in F1 22, but so far it’s only possible if you’re all using the same platform, either PC, PlayStation or Xbox.
- Currently F1 22 does not have crossplay yet. However, the feature has already been announced by the developers and will be delivered free of charge at an as yet unknown date.
- The only restriction: So far there is no crossplay between Origin and Steam.
- Cross-generation play on, for example, PS4 and PS5 has been possible since launch.
- Also available since launch is the popular local co-op. For example, you can race in split-screen and explore the career mode with two people at the same console.