The Sellen quest in Elden Ring can take different courses. The quest line is also relatively long
Elden Ring: Start the quest from Sellen
In the east of Limgrave, at the ruins of a waypoint, you meet the sorceress Sellen for the first time. She starts an interesting series of quests with you in the history of Elden Ring.
- After a short dialog, you have to wait until you meet Sellen again. To do this, you must first have met the primal wizard Azur. He will give you the magic “Azur’s Comet”. You can then demonstrate this to Sellen
- Sellen will ask you to find Master Lusat. You will receive the quest item “Sellian Seal Breaker”, as Lusat is apparently missing in a dungeon.
- Travel to Caelid to infiltrate Sellia’s hideout. You will find it southwest of Faroth. You will eventually find yourself in front of a rock wall, which you must hit to open it.
- Once you are inside, look out for a seal. You will find it glowing on the wall. Activate the seal breaker and the prison door will open.
- However, there is not much left of Master Lusat. You can loot his mortal remains. You will then receive the spell “Stars of Ruin”. Use it to return to Sellen
This is how the quest series continues
After you have defeated the boss Radahn, the quest continues. You also learn that the quest giver is merely a projection.
- Your next mission is to find Sellen’s body again. To do this, you must travel to the Peninsula of Tears and visit the Witches’ Curse Ruins. It is located quite centrally below the Fourth Church of Marika.
- Take the stairs downwards. There you will find Sellen chained to a wall. After a dialog, you will receive Sellen’s Primordial Shimmerstone.
- Then return to Red Mane Castle to talk to Castellan Jerren. Exhaust the dialog and return to the witch’s curse ruins. Jerren is now standing next to Sellen. You can talk to him again
- Then travel to the Three Sisters area in Liurnia. Northeast of Ranni’s Tower you will find a secret passage into a cellar. Roll across the floor to open it
- Inside you will find Sellen’s body again. Insert the Primordial Shimmerstone to bring her back to life.
- To complete the quest, you must travel to the Raya Lucaria Academy. There you defeat the boss Rennala. You then complete the quest by summoning either Sellen or Jerren to kill the other. This gives you the chance to receive either the Shimmerstone Kris or Sellen’s Sound Pearl.