Counter-Strike 2 announced. The game will be released in 2023 and there are innovations: new engine, dynamic smokes, changed maps and sub-tick updates.
Counter Strike 2: These are innovations and differences
On 23 March 2023, Valve announced the successor to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The new game is called Counter-Strike 2 and will be released in summer 2023 as a free upgrade of CS:GO. There will be the following new features:
- A new engine
- New dynamic smoke grenades
- New and improved maps
- Sub-tick Updates
Counter-Strike 2: New Dynamic Smoke Grenades:
In a Counter-Strike game, information can make the difference between success and failure.
- With the new game engine of Counter-Strike 2,Valve has further developed the Smokes and made them dynamic. Smoke grenades now create volumetric 3D objects.
- Not only do all players now see the same smoke regardless of their position, but the smoke can also interact with the environment.
- It reacts to lighting, grows and fills spaces naturally.
- The shape of the smoke cloud can be shifted and cut by bullets and shells.
- In Counter-Strike 2, smoke grenades thus offer even more tactical possibilities. They will simply look better and be more playable.
Counter-Strike 2: New and improved maps
With over 20 years of history, mapps are a staple of Counter-Strike.
- In Counter-Strike 2, the maps get a new look.
- There are three approaches to improving the maps.
- First, there are the Touchstone maps, the classic maps with solid fundamentals, improved only on exposure and character rendering.
- Secondly, there are upgrade maps. These are maps that use the new Source 2 lighting, including a physics-based rendering system that creates realistic materials, lighting and reflections.
- And finally: overhauls. The oldest maps have been completely overhauled, rebuilt from scratch, using all the tools and rendering features of Source 2.
- These tools will also be available to community mapmakers to facilitate the creation, experimentation with and evolution of maps.
Counter Strike 2: Sub-tick Updates
Counter Strike is known for its satisfying gunplay.
- You click the mouse, the character shoots, the target takes damage.
- In earlier versions of Counter-Strike, the game only scored moving and shooting in discrete time intervals or ticks.
- For the most part, the game experience was seamless, but sometimes those milliseconds between click and tick could be the difference between a headshot or a miss.
- This is why sub-tick updates are introduced in Counter-Strike 2.
- Now the tick rate no longer plays a role in moving and shooting, so the server now knows the exact moment you shot, jumped or peeked. Hopefully this will make Counter-Strike 2 even smoother and better to play.