If you often have sick citizens in the city-building classic “Cities: Skylines”, you should pay attention to a few factors when building your city
Cities: Skylines – sick citizens due to poor water management
Cities: Skylines is a popular city-building simulation for the computer and various game consoles such as the Nintendo Switch. If you make mistakes when building your city, this will quickly lead to sick citizens. However, this can be prevented by following a few basic principles:
- Make sure that water pumps and water towers are not located on polluted land to avoid contaminated water:
- Place sewage pipes and water treatment plants downstream of water pumps to prevent contamination.
- Wastewater pipes should always be installed far enough away from water pumps to prevent contamination of drinking water.
- Prevent backflow of wastewater by providing a sufficiently large infrastructure.
Ground pollution and noise pollution in Cities: Skylines
You already know the most common causes of sick citizens. However, there are a few other factors to consider when playing. Keep your population healthy with these tips for Cities: Skylines:
- Always separate industrial and residential areas to minimize soil pollution and the associated health risks.
- Avoid mixing residential areas with office and service areas at all costs to minimize noise pollution.
- Install noise barriers along highways to safely reduce noise pollution in residential areas.
- Make sure that residential areas are sufficiently far away from other noise sources or plan suitable buffer zones.