For the quest “Investigate the suspicious toys” in Baldur’s Gate 3 you have to find out who is sending them to refugees in the city
Investigate the suspicious toys in Baldur’s Gate 3: Arfur Gregorio is in the way
The quest starts in Rivington outside Baldur’s Gate when you find Arfur Gregorio’s estate. He complains loudly about the refugees in his mansion.
- You must take control of the situation to gain access to the estate. Ideally, you should persuade him not to chase the fugitives away to make the quest easier
- Then go into the villa and immediately into the workshop, the eastern room. At the other end of the room you will find a hatch to the cellar, the lock of which you must first pick. Alternatively, you can find the key to the cellar on a bookshelf in the bedroom.
- Go downstairs afterwards and search the room. In classic Baldur’s Gate 3 style, this area of the manor is peppered with traps that you have to disarm first.
- You will then find a letter addressed to Gregorio. The toymaker is being blackmailed by someone via this letter.
- The letter informs you that Gregorio is supposed to hide something in teddy bears and then donate them. That doesn’t sound good at all and you have to find the toys before they fall into innocent hands.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Find the suspicious toys
To find the suspicious toys in Baldur’s Gate 3, make your way to the barn just south of the estate. This is where the donations for the refugees are kept.
- To search the barn, you can either talk to Manip Nestor, ask the pig in the barn or sneak into the roof via the path. To do this, simply use the ledge next to the barn
- In the north-western part of the barn you will find a chest with a booby trap inside. Disarm it to prevent the toys from exploding
- You will then be confronted by Nestor if he has not let you into the barn. Explain to him what you are doing and he will check the donations again as long as you convince him.
- If Nestor lets you in, simply tell him about your find. He will take care of the toys. Whichever way you have chosen, make your way to the Toymaker afterwards
- Arfur Gregorio is staying at Sharess’ Caress in Baldur’s Gate. You can’t miss the establishment and you quickly become aware of the Toymaker.
- He is shocked and offers you a bribe. If you accept it, you’ll have to find out where he got the explosives yourself.
- Alternatively, threaten him to get more information and a nice sum of gold. He will then provide you with the password for Felogyr’s fireworks, the goal of the quest.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Off to Felogyr’s Fireworks for the quest “Investigate the Suspicious Toys “
Felogyr’s Fireworks is a store in the lower city of Baldur’s Gate 3 in the southeastern harbor area.
- Enter the store and talk to Avery Sonshal, who also has a mind flayer parasite in his head and points it out to you. Talk to him about the Toymaker and use the password.
- He will give you the key to the second floor. If you don’t have the password, you’ll be in for a tough fight from this point onwards.
- Go to the second floor and you will find another key for Avery’s storage room. However, you cannot go to the upper floor as there is a plot going on between the followers of Bhaal and the Absolutes.
- Now follows a difficult battle against everyone who is currently in the store. You have to kill every single enemy to complete the quest. Use the explosive barrels to do a lot of damage
- If you are successful, you can loot extensively. However, make sure that the Flaming Fist mercenaries and the Steel Guard outside the store are aware of the carnage and attack you as well.