In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla you have the opportunity to increase your charisma through taunting duels. There are 16 of them in total
Assassins Creed Valhalla: Find and solve taunt duels
The Mockingjay Duel is offered to you by 16 different NPCs around the world. You will receive a Charisma point after each duel you win. You can level up the skill to level 6. With a few tricks, you can win every duel.
- During the duel, you must give three correct answers. In almost all duels, the correct answer rhymes with the question. After the elimination procedure, you can therefore usually rule out one answer
- The sound makes the music: This also applies to AC Valhalla. For example, if the NPC speaks to you in a philosophical manner, it is better to reply in a similar way and avoid an aggressive response.
- If you get it wrong, that’s no problem. If you get two out of three answers right, you have still won the duel.
Find and solve mocking duels
In principle, you can win the duels in Assassin’s Creed by following these tips. However, some duels have special rules that you should be aware of. So be prepared when you set out to win taunting duels. You can find an overview of the German-language duel solutions here:
- Alvis: You can find this duelist in Fornberg and in Hraefnathorp. The correct answers in the duel are: “What you teach hits as hard as a blow to the privates”, “Then I say hot air dents your forehead”, “My opponent blown away by the storm of rhyme and wit”.
- Man of the Wolf Warriors: You will find him in Rygjafylki. The correct answers for the duel are: “Seems more like a pig standing in front of me”, “No. You won’t get any applause for that face”, “You’ve got guts like a club – you’re just wide”.
- Jungulf: In the harbor of Hreopedun you will find this duelist. Answer as follows: “That’s funny, because it’s you who’s about to lose”, “Oh, you weakling, you milquetoast don’t impress me”, “Your rhymes are bad and your sense of verse limps”.
- Fergall the Faceless: The duel can be found in Fergal’s Cave in Grantabrycgscir. These are the solutions to the duel: “What’s in your head? I’ve got more brains in my shoe”, “What do you say? You’re crawling around in a cave!”, “You’re not a talented taunter, Fergal.”
- Augusta the Merry: In western Lunden, this duellist awaits a multitude of compliments for you: “Now the fairest art thou, elegant and very fine”, “Thy grace is great, such comeliness rare”, “And by my counterpart it could not be fairer”.
- Fenn the Wistful: You can dust off another Charisma point north of Wincaester. Simply give the following answers in the duel: “Take the thousand times ten and you approach well”, “It’s not my fault how the fates go”, “So that then one day in Valhall I’ll be too”.
- Caeddawic: To taunt Caeddawic, you must go to Norwic and answer: “Those you speak are probably foolish and harbor a grudge”, “Whoever says that speaks only lies. I’m brimming with power”, “I’m just clever, that’s why they’re offended.”
- Holle the Exalted: She stands on a city wall in Eoforwic. You can start the duel by interacting with the barrel in front of the wall: “The only fool here lives on a wall”, “Watch out, because your pride comes before a fall”, “Your height is a spectacle! You climbing gnome!”
- Hogg the Tribal: In the far west of Oxenaford you’ll find Hogg, who you can give a good talking to: “No, you’re just a worm and can’t hit a note”, “Only your head hair was frightened, that’s why you’re bald”, “And as clever as a donkey, not worth talking about”.
- Thor: Take on Thor verbally on the cliff in Asgard. Score points with these answers: “Just be careful what you wish for, I’ll win the fight”, “I’m clever and experienced, you foolish god”, “Well, victory isn’t what fate gave you”.
- Stig the Love Stubborn: With a few frivolous answers, you beat the duelist in a small village in Snotingahamscir: “I’ll cast a spell over you and throw you on the bed”, “My lips can do a lot, my tongue even more”, “I’m very excited about this. Lie down already”
- Ratatösk: The squirrel is in Jötunheim near Thrym’s house. With these answers you win: “But in truth he has failed”, “But I cut off your word”, “And your squeaking makes me sick”.
- Brother Quescis: The monk is waiting for you in Cantwaraeburh. As he can’t speak to you directly, his assistant Alwin takes over the duel: “And my stomach is churning with boredom”, “Although you don’t speak yourself, you’ve lost anyway”, “I’ll gladly shove the feather and tine up your back”.
- Lady Ellet of Colencaester: You will find this duelist in Colencaester. To win against her, you should only pay attention to the content and not the rhyme structure: “For they bring us all sleep”, “I’ll beat you, then you know”, “With the most pitiful words in the world”.
- Ovet the Scarred: You will find Ovet on the riverbank in Quatford. If you are victorious with the following answers, a small fistfight awaits you: “But if you’re not careful, I’ll spank your knuckles”, “Want to compete with me? I’ll crush you in no time”, “Then you’ll taste all the blood in your mouth right away.”
- Borghild the landlady’s enemy: In Piceringa in Eoforwicscir, Borghild is already sitting on a table waiting to duel with you: “Your face looks like a horse’s ass”, “Well, look at you, you’re ugly for ten”, “Now you’re just telling lies, that was too much beer”.