The cultists from the Cult of Cosmos are the saboteurs in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s Greece. Defeating them is a quest in the game
Assassins Creed Odyssey: Find all the cultists here
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has a total of 42 cultists ready for you. Defeating them is part of the Shadow Quest. Various clues to their whereabouts are hidden in the world.
- Elpenor: You will encounter this cultist in the main mission. You don’t need to track him down, he’s already dead
- Sotera: The cultist of the Eyes of the Cosmos is unmasked by a cultist letter. You can find him around the southeast of Megaris, in the Valley of King Lelex or in the harbor of Nisaia.
- Hermippos: You will encounter this cultist in one of Socrates’ side missions. You come across him in the northwest of Greater Athens.
- The Master: He is part of the Eyes of the Cosmos and can also be killed in a side mission. Complete “The Value of Life” and kill the cultist in the south of the Silver Mountain at the same time.
- Midas: The cultist is waiting in the west of Argolis to be killed by you, revealed by a cultist letter.
- Epiktetos the Communicator: This cultist is also part of the main mission and has already died.
- The Chimaira: You can find this cultist in the south of Sterope Bay. You can get clues about him from the cultist letters.
- The Centaur of Euboia: You can also reach him through cultist letters. It is located in the north of Euboia or in the north-east of the Dirphys Mountains.
- The Silver Gryphon: It belongs to the silver eagles. You can find clues to its whereabouts in a crate in the Lavrio Silver Mine. You will meet him on the island of Paros
- Machaon the Dreaded: Plumb the corpse on the cliff of Shipwreck Bay to get clues about him. You can then meet him in the north of the Panachaiko Mountains.
- Brison: It is part of the Attic Sea League. You will only find him once you have completed the quest “Curse from Athens”. He can finally be found in the north of the island of Salamis
- Podarkes the Cruel: To find this cultist, you must first complete a side quest. You should have completed “Trouble in Paradise” for now, then you will find him in the leader’s house on Delos.
- Rhexenor’s hand: You don’t need to track him down very much. He will turn up in the course of the main quest in Greater Athens and you will have to hunt him down anyway
- Iobates the Stoic: If you kill Podarkes, you will receive clues to Iobates’ whereabouts. You will find them on the island of Thasos.
- Kodros the Bull: Complete the quest “In an irritable mood” and you will receive information about this cultist. He can finally be found in the leader’s house on Lesbos.
- Skylax the Beautiful: You can find the cultist of the Peloponnesian League in the west of Euboia. You can find clues to his location in the treasure chest in Xerxes’ military fortress
- The Cavekeeper: Complete the main quest to get to the Cavekeeper. During the main mission “Down with Höker” you will face the cultist in Corinth.
- Lagos the Leader: You take out this cultist in Arcadia. You will meet him during the main quest
- Kallias: You will also meet this cultist during the main quest. Take him out in Elis.
- Silanos of Paros: The same applies to this cultist of the Peloponnesian League.
- Asterios: Cultist letters will tell you the whereabouts of this cultist of the Aegean gods. He is waiting for you in the sea south of Skyros.
- Sokos: Complete the Conquest Battle on Melos to learn the location of Sokos. He is traveling around Melos on a ship
- The Octopus: If you kill Sokos, you will find out where the Octopus is. He is also traveling on a ship. You will find him in the direction of Thera and Anaphe
- Melanthos: You will receive information about this cultist when you kill the Octopus. He is traveling around Messara with his ship
- The Mytiline Shark: You have to kill Melanthos to catch him. It can be found on ships around Samos
- Zoisme: You first find Zoisme’s diary on Phocis, south of Mount Parnassus. Zoisme himself is in the west of Malis.
- Harpalos: In the Cave of Kratos, a note from the follower draws your attention to the worshipper of the bloodline. You finally meet him on the pirate island of Keos
- Diona: As soon as you have killed Harpalos, you will be informed of Diona’s whereabouts. You can kill Diona in the center of Kythera
- Melite: Diona is followed by Melite. You can find Melite if you look around Messara.
- Chrysis: You don’t have to look for him. He is part of the main mission “Ashes to Ashes”. He will appear to you in Argolis
- Okytos the Great: He is one of the heroes of the cult and can be tracked down via cultist letters. You will find him in the southeast of Attica
- Swordfish: Complete the side quest “Myths and Minotaurs”. You will then receive the clue that leads you to Messara and finally to the swordfish.
- Belos the Beast of Sparta: You will receive clues about Belos via a cultist letter. You finally kill him in the arena on Pefki.
- Deianeira: After you have killed Okytos, you can kill Deianeira. Boiotien is your target for this
- Pallas: If you are at the merchant in Corinth, you can get clues about Pallas’ location. You will finally be able to defeat him in the battle of conquest near Achaia.
- Nyx of Shadows: Once you have killed all the cultists belonging to the Eyes of the Cosmos, you will receive a clue about Nyx. You will find him in the southeast of Greater Athens.
- Polemon the Wise: This cultist will appear once you have killed all the Silver Vein cultists. His location is in the Teichos of Herakleion.
- Kleon the Everyman: The leader of the Attic League comes onto your radar during the main quest. You will meet him on the battlefield of Macedonia.
- Pausanias: Play the main quest to meet Pausanias. He is waiting for you in Sparta and will appear during the quest “A Bloody Feast”
- The Hydra: The Hydra is out at sea southwest of the Peloponnese. You can defeat it once you have tracked down and killed all the cultists of the Aegean gods
- Iokaste the Seer: Once you have killed the five members of the Bloodline Worshippers, you will be able to confront Iokaste. You will find her in the Anvastos ruins on Chios
- Exekias the Legend: Kill all the cultists of the cult’s heroes to get clues about him. He roams the entire map.