With cheats in the popular game “Age of Mythology” you can have even more fun. Thanks to the cheats, you can get important abilities or an infinite amount of gold. In addition, there are also simply funny cheats.
Cheats in “Age of Mythology “
If you want to use cheats in Age of Mythology, you must first press “Enter”, then enter the code and then press “Enter” again. It is important that all codes are written in capital letters. In the demo version of the game, the codes do not work.
- ATM OF EREBUS: How to get 1000 Gold.
- TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE: Gives you 1000 wood.
- JUNK FOOD NIG: Gives you 1000 pieces of food.
- MOUNT OLYMPUS: This will give you 100% faith.
- DIVINE INTERVENTION: With this cheat you can use previous used god power again.
- PANDORAS BOX: This will give you various random abilities.
- WRATH OF THE GODS: With this cheat you gain the thunderstorm, earthquake, meteor and tornado god powers.
- L33T SUPA H4X0RFast: Fast building, research and training.
- THRILL OF VICTORY: This will win you the game.
- IS HEAR MY PLEA: You get all the heroes in the campaign.
- MR. MONDAY gives you stronger opponents.
- CONSIDER THE INTERNET: It makes your units move more slowly.
- CHANNEL SURFING: Use this cheat code to skip the scenario.
- SET ASCENDANT: This will control all the animals on the map.
- SET ASCENDANT: All animals on the map appear to you. With ENGINEERED GRAIN, all animals become fatter.
- LAY OF THE LAND: This is how you uncover the map. And with UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT you make the map disappear again.
- GOATUNHEIM: With this you turn all units into sheep. But this is also how you lose.
- With IN DARKEST NIGHT it becomes night and with RED TIDE the water becomes red.
- FEAR THE FORAGE: Revives berry bushes.
- BAWK BAWK BOOM: How to create a meteor with chickens.
- TINES OF POWER: You get a big fellow with a pitchfork and with O CANADA you get a laser bear.
- I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1!: With this, a whole lot of monkeys appear.