If you want to name photos according to the time they were taken, you will need suitable software. The process is the same for most programs
Name photos according to the time they were taken: Suitable programs make it possible
Renaming photos according to when they were taken is not a standard function. For this reason, you need a program that can do this for you.
- There are numerous programs that are suitable for this. These include Namexif, Joe, MediaSorter or Rename Expert. They sort images using the EXIF data and then rename them.
- Download and install the programs. Some of them run automatically and do not require installation.
- Using the programs is basically always the same. After opening, you add either individual images or entire folders that you want the software to sort.
- These can be located on your main hard disk or external storage media. The storage location does not matter.
- Then specify the date format for the desired photo names, for example hour/day/month/year. If you are using an English-language program, you will probably encounter YYYY for the year, DD for the day and HH for the hour. Depending on the program, however, these may be slightly different:
- You can also add the original name of the file or any other name before or after the date and time. Choose whichever you prefer:
- In the case of Namexif, for example, select Add original name at the end if you want the date to appear before the original name. Each software offers similar functions that you should check
- At the end, confirm the process to rename the photos. The program will take care of the rest.
- Tip: Some programs even offer the option of naming images with a time difference. To do this, enter the difference manually to obtain the correct time.