Many people ask themselves whether snow on the car roof is allowed or punishable. Snow on the car in winter is generally an annoying problem. This is especially true for those who have neither a carport nor a garage. If it is already stressful in the morning, the bare essentials are quickly swept off. The snow is then often left on the car roof
Car roof full of snow: Is it punishable or permitted?
The temptation to sleep longer in winter is great. Then there is usually not enough time to properly clear the car of snow and ice. As a result, many commuters drive off with snow on the roof of their car. However, this increases the risk of accidents on the roads enormously.
- According to Section 23 of the Road Traffic Act, it is the duty of every driver to clear the vehicle of any objects that obstruct the view. The driver must also be able to hear signals on the road
- So if you drive off with a car roof full of snow, at the very least your unobstructed view is at acute risk. This not only puts your safety at risk, but also that of other road users if you cause an accident due to restricted visibility.
- Snow on the roof of your car can also endanger other road users if snow debris flies backwards while you are driving and thus affects following drivers.
- So it’s understandable that the lawmakers can’t take a joke and sometimes impose relatively high fines. If you are caught, you will not only lose valuable time by having your papers checked. You are also not allowed to continue driving until the car roof has been completely cleared of snow
- In addition, a fine from 25 euros upwards is due. In the worst case, there are additional points in Flensburg. This also depends, for example, on whether or not damage to property has also been caused. In the event of damage, a fine of up to 90 euros is possible
- In the event of an accident, it may not only have criminal consequences if you have not cleared your car roof of snow, but insurance benefits may also be affected, including possible recourse claims.
- This is why the automobile clubs urge you every winter to clear your car of snow and ice before setting off.
What you should definitely pay attention to in winter
Of course, it’s not just the car roof that needs to be cleared of snow and ice before setting off.
- A clear view must be guaranteed through all car windows
- In order for the headlights to fulfill their function without restriction, they must also be free of snow and ice.
- For understandable reasons, the police in particular attach great importance to a clearly legible license plate. You should therefore ensure this before setting off on your journey
- In winter, other amounts may also be incurred. For example, you will be fined 10 euros if you have only cleared a small peephole. The fines for speeding are also more expensive when snow has fallen