If your Netflix app won’t start, it can quickly spoil your evening. Find out here how you can quickly fix the problem and give your movie night a chance after all
The Netflix app won’t start – How to solve the problem
In the following, we have summarised possible causes and tips which work on both iOS and Android devices.
- Try to shut down your device completely. Once this is done, turn the unit back on. Once it has booted up, try opening the Netflix app again.
- Sometimes the problem is that the app needs an update. Download this and try again.
- If the app has already been updated, delete the app and download it again. However, saved tracks will be lost.
- Before you delete it, you can also reset the app.
- The app may be restricted on your device. In the general settings, you can change these using the “Restrictions” button.
- Occasionally the cause is also your W-LAN router. Try restarting your home network.
- Your internet service provider will most likely be able to help you solve the problem. Contact them and ask about possible solutions.
- It’s quite possible that the error is coming from the Netflix server. If our tips do not help, it is worth contacting customer service.