Restoring a chat history on Facebook is only possible if
you have not deleted it, but only archived it. We show you,
how to proceed.
Restore Facebook Chat: Retrieve histories from the archive
If you have deleted a Facebook chat, it is irretrievably lost.
it is irretrievably lost. You cannot recover it.
However, you may be lucky and have only archived the conversation.
In that case, the chat can easily be retrieved.
– In your Facebook profile, click on “Messages” in the top right-hand corner and then on “Messages”.
then click on “View all in Messenger” in the overview that opens at the bottom.
– In Messenger, click on the gear icon in the left column.
– Select “Hidden Chats” or on Android “Archived Chats”.
– Then all the chats archived so far are displayed and you can continue the conversation.
continue the conversation.