You don’t want to have the SIM card cut to size, but want to do it yourself? In this practical tip, we show you how to cut a micro or nano SIM card using a template
Template helps: How to cut the SIM card to size
If you don’t want to wait long for your new micro-SIM or nano-SIM, you can simply use your old SIM card. In doing so, you will also keep your mobile number. What you need: A sharp pair of scissors, adhesive tape (e.g. Sellotape), and a printer with paper.
- First, download the Micro SIM template or Nano SIM template and print out the PDF document.
- Now cut out the desired template as exactly as possible on the dotted line.
- Tack the template onto the golden contact surface of the SIM card with a piece of adhesive tape.
- Now simply cut out the SIM card along the solid line. Be careful not to scratch the chip as this may make it unusable.
- Try inserting the SIM card into the phone. If it does not quite fit yet, you can touch it up with a nail file, for example.
Order SIM card instead of cutting
- If you want to save yourself the trouble or if you damaged the SIM card when cutting it to size, you must order the new SIM from your mobile phone provider. With most providers, the new SIM is free of charge.
- However, it may take a few days for the SIM card to arrive and be activated. In the following practical tips, we show you how to order a new SIM card from the respective providers: Vodafone, Telekom, O2, Aldi Talk, Congstar, Fyve, Otelo, CallYa, Netzclub.