Potatoes last the longest if you store them correctly. This increases the shelf life of the potato by several weeks. It is important to watch out for sprouting and rotting potatoes. We have summarised the best way to store potatoes for you in this article.
Storing potatoes: A cool cellar prolongs the shelf life
If stored correctly, potatoes will keep for quite a long time. Incorrect storage allows pressure marks to develop and can result in germs. You can put a stop to this if you follow a few tips
- Above all, the potato should be stored in a dark, cool and dry place. Dry air circulation increases the preservation process. Dark, dry rooms leave the potato little opportunity for germs to grow.
- Ideally, you should create such conditions in your cellar. Here it is worth getting a special potato crate.
- If cellar storage is not possible, use a bag or sack for storage. It is important that the bag is breathable. The potato must not “sweat”.
- Once you have created a place for storage, you should turn the potatoes over about once a week. When you do this, you may discover any rotten spots. In addition, turning the potatoes keeps them loose, which reduces the risk of bruising.
4 Errors in storing potatoes
The living area is not suitable for storage. For one thing, it is too warm, and for another, the humidity in living areas is usually much higher than in the cellar. 4 common mistakes when storing potatoes:
- You should avoid damp and warm rooms because potatoes germinate quickly there. This can produce toxic solanine. Therefore, it is questionable whether you can still eat sprouting potatoes
- Under no circumstances should you store potatoes together with other vegetables or fruits that produce ethylene. These include pears and apples, for example. The plant growth substance ethylene accelerates the process of ripening
- The potato, which is actually robust, should not be stored too cold. The storage temperature should not fall below four degrees. Above this temperature, the starch in the potatoes is converted into sugar.
- The ground itself is also not the right place to store potatoes, as there is insufficient air circulation. A little tip here: If you place a few pieces of roof slats or an old pallet on the floor, this effect is prevented and floor storage is possible.