Your electricity meter is read once a year by the local grid operator. In this practical tip, we explain how you can read your electricity meter correctly yourself and what you need to bear in mind.
Read mechanical electricity meter correctly
Your grid operator may ask you to send them your meter reading by meter reading card. Otherwise, your consumption will be estimated using older consumer figures. If you read the meter yourself, you can be sure that you will only pay for what you have actually consumed. This is how a mechanical meter is read:
- The electricity meter is located in the electrical box. In apartment buildings, these boxes are often installed in the basement.
- Open the box to find and read the meter number of your electricity meter. This number is often located below the disc. The position of the meter number on the electricity meter varies depending on the manufacturer. With the help of the meter number, the electricity meter can be specifically assigned to a consumer point and the electricity consumption can be traced. Tip: The meter number of your electricity meter can also be found on your electricity bills in case you are unsure.
- You can read the electricity consumption via the black roller counter on your electricity meter. The single-rate meter shows your current electricity consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh). Read your consumption only up to the red mark. The number on the far right after the decimal point is not recorded.
How to read a digital electricity meter
Even a modern metering device, a digital electricity meter, has a meter number.
- The meter number is usually clearly visible on the front of the meter. Alternatively, you can find the meter number on your electricity supplier’s bill.
- You can read the current meter reading on the display of a digital electricity meter.
- Unlike mechanical meters, the meter reading is displayed without a decimal point on digital models.