You have a good chance of scoring a goal with a flat full-stretch shot in Fifa 22. The shot is useful in duels with the goalkeeper and in short distances to the goal. Read more about this type of shot here.
How to take the low full-stretch shot in Fifa 22
To take the flat full-span shot, you need to press certain keys in Fifa 22 on PS4/5 and Xbox One. The key combination also applies to Fifa 21. In the games, the shot is also called a powerful flat shot or low driven shot. However, all three terms name the same shot.
- On the PS4/PS5, the required buttons are the shoulder buttons L1 and R1 and the circle. You must press all three buttons at the same time.
- On the Xbox One, it’s the shoulder buttons LB and RB and the B-shot button.
- You can also use the key combination for headers.
- To ensure that the shot is also aimed safely at the goal, make sure to charge the shot power to two to three bars and place the ball on the player’s strong foot.
- Target a free corner of the goal with the left analogue stick. Keep a close eye on the goalkeeper’s movement so that you can change the direction of the shot if necessary.
When a flat full-stretch shot makes sense in Fifa 22
In some situations in Fifa 22 play, the full-span shot is particularly useful.
- If you are particularly close to the goal, it makes sense to use the full-span shot. It is powerful, strong and fast and is therefore a sure way to score a goal.
- When you are in a duel with the goalkeeper in a 1-on-1 situation, the low shot is a safe choice for scoring a goal.
- Especially if the goal scorer is particularly tall or has a low diving value, he usually has little chance of stopping the goal shot.
- From the long and short corners, you can also dare to take a full-stretch shot on goal. Outside the penalty area, however, you should not use the low shot. These shots are only effective at short range. At longer distances, they are too easy to deflect and quickly lose their penetrating power.
- You can defend the full-stretch shot by kicking the ball away from the side quickly enough or by digging yourself into the shot as a goalkeeper.