GTA 5 is the first game in the series to let you switch between three characters. This practical tip shows you how it’s done.
GTA 5 – How to switch characters on PC
In GTA 5, you can switch between three different characters, Trevor, Michael and Franklin, most of the time. Here’s how it works on the PC:
- Press and hold the left [Alt] key. A selection wheel will now appear in the lower right corner with the characters’ faces.
- You can now switch between Trevor, Michael and Franklin by moving the mouse. Release [Alt] to complete the switch.
- You can of course also switch characters when playing with a gamepad. To do so, proceed as you would when playing on a console (see below).
- If you are not satisfied with these settings, you can also customize the key assignment for switching characters in the settings.
GTA 5 – Character switching on Xbox One
On Xbox One, you can switch characters as follows:
- Hold down the button on the control pad.
- A player wheel appears, showing you all the available characters.
- Use the right joystick to select a character.
GTA 5 – Change character on PlayStation 4
Even if you play GTA 5 on PlayStation 4, you can change your character with a simple keyboard shortcut:
- Hold down the down arrow.
- After a few seconds, a menu will appear showing all the available characters.
- Use the right joystick (R3) to switch between characters.