Ripen a hard avocado in a paper bag
Using a paper bag can speed up the natural ripening process of the fruit.
– The ripening of the avocado happens through the emission of ethene
– When you wrap the avocado in a brown paper bag or newspaper, ethene is accumulated. This will cause your avocado to ripen faster.
– To speed up the process even more, you can add another fruit, because other fruits also emit ethene. Bananas and apples are particularly suitable for this purpose.
– It may also be worthwhile to add some flour to the paper bag. This will soak up the moisture that is expelled and prevent possible mould growth.
– Depending on how hard your avocado is, it may take one to three days before your avocado is buttery soft and ready to use
Ripening avocado in the microwave
This last tip is for the very impatient among you.
– Select the lowest setting on your microwave and put the avocado in unpeeled
– Start the microwave and be sure to watch the fruit continuously.
– Depending on the hardness of your avocado, it may take up to 3 minutes for your avocado to soften. Take the fruit out several times during this time to test whether it is already ready to eat.
– If you leave your avocado in the microwave for too long, it may crack.
– Again, only the consistency changes, not the taste. For this reason, it is better to let the fruit ripen in the brown paper bag.