Pixelated TV picture – how to sharpen it up again

by Pramith

If your TV picture is pixelated, it may be due to poor reception. Settings on your device can also cause a blurred image.

Pixelated TV picture – check for interference in reception

You turn on the TV and instead of a razor-sharp image, you only see a pixelated display. A reception problem may be responsible for this.

  • If only some channels are affected, it may be the channel itself or your cable provider. In most cases, this problem only lasts a short time and resolves itself, so no action is needed.
  • However, if all of the stations appear pixelated, you can try restarting the device. Briefly disconnect the TV, receiver, or set-top box from the power and reconnect everything after 30 seconds.
  • Check the antenna cable and HDMI cable for visible damage and replace them if necessary.
  • Other devices near the TV can also interfere with the TV reception or the receiver. Check that they are well shielded.
  • You can also have your signal quality checked. Contact your cable provider if the pixelated image persists over a long period of time. It is possible that the interference is more extensive and therefore cannot be easily eliminated.
  • If you watch TV via IPTV or stream a program on your smart TV, the internet connection must be good so that the picture is not jerky or pixelated. Check whether the Wi-Fi connection is stable and the internet speed is fast enough.

Pixelated TV picture – fix the device

An incorrectly set TV can also cause a pixelated TV picture. You can fix this problem yourself.

  • In the image settings of your device, you can make some fine adjustments. Set the resolution high to sharpen the image again.
  • At the same time, you can try to get the image sharp again using the manual channel search. To do this, you have to switch through the various frequencies until the picture is as you want it.
  • Resetting the Smart TV or the receiver can help to restore your device to factory settings and display the image as usual.
  • To rule out a defect in the TV, you can, for example, connect a DVD player or a console to the screen. If the image is still pixelated here, even though the correct image settings have been made, the TV is actually defective and you should replace it.

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