If you’re looking for your doppelgangers, the Twin Strangers web app is the right place for you
Twin Strangers: Find your doppelganger online
According to Twin Strangers, everyone in the world has seven doubles. However, it is unlikely that you will meet your doppelganger and be able to recognize them.
- The Twin Strangers web app wants to change that. Upload a photo of yourself and create a free account. When creating the account, you will be asked for your birthday, country and gender.
- After registering, you will immediately receive the results with photos of your supposed doppelgangers and the match rate as a percentage. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can upload another picture. The first 5 searches are completely free of charge.
- In our test, we were unfortunately unable to identify a clear doppelganger. We had the highest match with a 5-year-old photo of ourselves, which was apparently found via Google. Funnily enough, the match with ourselves was only 84 percent. Nevertheless, the search for potential clones is fun
- Tip: If your personal data is important to you, you can fib a little. You don’t need to confirm your e-mail address, just make up an address. You can also choose your own name, as this is not relevant for the doppelganger search. You can also vary your birthday a little. If necessary, you can delete your account directly afterwards under “My Account”