The side quest Message in a Bottle in the game Dead Island 2 earns you 3000 experience points. You have to visit three different stations to complete the quest
Dead Island 2: Find the message in a bottle and start the quest
First of all, you have to find the bottle containing the quest on Santa Monica Beach in Dead Island 2. It is lying there on a basket. To solve the puzzle, you need to find the restaurant critic Anthony R. Oliver, who is staying at the restaurant he last reviewed despite the apocalypse. These are your first steps:
- The seafood/fish clues and the term “Bucket” will take you to the restaurant “Bucket O’Fish”. You will find this on the part of the pier where the military tents are located
- Go through the narrow passage under the Ocean Park sign and look for further clues when you arrive at the site.
- Watch out for traps, such as the tripwire at the bottom of the first staircase, as you enter the building.
- Go through the first door after the stairs and keep left. Jump over the pallets and watch out for the electricity on the floor directly behind them.
- You can turn off the water with the wheel on the wall to also turn off the power.
- On the crate behind you, you will find another note with the next location.
Complete the side quest Message in a Bottle: These are the next stations
After the “Bucket O’Fish”, there are two more places you need to visit before you can complete the quest.
- The next stop is “Pier Grill”. To do this, go back to the Ocean Park sign and turn left
- Circle the crashed helicopter until you arrive at “Pier Grill”.
- The second note is on a table on the terrace. You may have to fight your way through a horde of zombies before you get to this note, but you can also try to run through quickly.
- The note you found leads you to the “Hot Dog Shack”. To do this, head east to Luigi’s Pizzeria.
- From there, walk south until you reach the hot dog cart “Hot Dog Shack”.
- Here you will find Anthony R. Oliver. However, the restaurant critic has turned into a zombie and you have to kill him.
- Pick up the loot that the zombie drops when it dies and complete the quest with 3000 XP.